Under Construction
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UAV Research and Development
Payload Integration
- Visible Cameras
- Thermal Cameras
- Magnetometers
- Hyperspectral Cameras
Control Systems Tuning
- Precision Autonomous Flight
- Aggressive Flight
- High Winds
- Micro Drones
- Heavy Lift
- Specialized Missions
- Counter UAS
Remote ID Integration
- Broadcast and Standard Remote ID
- Testing
- Validation
- Means of Compliance
- Module Development
BFD Systems SE-8
Primary Support Facility
- Training
- Repairs
- Upgrades
- Propellers
- Batteries
- Spare Parts
SE-8 Remote ID Module
- Coming Soon!
- Broadcast Remote ID Module
- Compliance for the September 2023 FAA Deadline
Freefly Alta X
Custom Freefly Alta-X Integrations
- More Aggressive Flight
- Custom Payload Integrations
- Alternative R/C Systems
- Digital FPV with Encryption
Alta X Blue
- Certified Blue by DIU
- Modular payload mounting system
- All weather
- PX4 Blue Cube
- UXV Navigator Tab
Alta X Remote ID Module
- Coming Soon!
- Broadcast Remote ID Module
- Self-Install in Minutes
- Compliance for the September 2023 FAA Deadline